Hello, y’all! Thank you for subscribing to MichiSpotlight. In this edition, I’m gonna be including some amazing opportunities that you can apply to and a few random unsolicited tips/tricks that might help you this week.
Happy Exploring! :)
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Recent Uploads on MichiSpotlight
Is DevRel a role for you? ft. Aditya Oberai
Unsolicited Tips/Tricks
Learning how and when to say “NO” is a superpower.
Life is not a zero-sum game. For you to be successful, someone else doesn’t have to be unsuccessful.
Join some great communities around dev and design on discord by going through the tweet replies :)
Figma Design is free for students. Apply now :)
If you want to build habit-forming products as a student entrepreneur/product manager or just an innovator, read this book called “Hooked” by Nir Eyal. Here’s a tweet where I summarized the introduction of this book.
My 2 cents around “Motivational Talks.”
Motivational talks don't work most of the time for most people.
You may get pumped after listening to them but not enough to take action sometimes.
That's actually called "Synthetic Inspiration."
Real inspiration does not come from the outside - it comes from a deep place within us that demands that we take action.
The inspiration from talks, movies, or books provokes inspiration but does not provide sufficient follow-through.
Motivation without a clear direction has little or no value.
And, the direction is insufficient without knowledge, skills, or support.
Some people only need the slightest nudge to get inspired, while others need a stronger, more sustainable source.
However, it is not the inspiration itself that is long-lasting.
Great inspirations work so well because of their ability to be relatable.
The real inspiration that will sustain you is deep within you.
You don't have to spend on manufactured inspiration because you found the real thing right under your nose.
Opportunities Round-Up
by Rishabh Sharma
Role: Web Development Intern
Batch: 2022/2023/2024 pass-ots
Link: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/2702420834/
Role: SDE Intern
Batch: 2023 passouts
Role: PM Intern
Batch: 2023/2022 passouts
Link: https://jobs.lever.co/zeotap/783112eb-3a91-4093-87f4-53fad22c5718/apply?lever-source=LinkedIn
Morgan Stanley
Role: Internship and FTE
Batch: 2023/2022
Link: internship - https://morganstanley.tal.net/vx/candidate/apply/11683
FTE - https://morganstanley.tal.net/vx/candidate/apply/11674
Batch: 2023/2022 passouts (Females only)
Role: Product Intern
Link: https://www.squadstack.com/job-description/?id=e0044cc0ee9b
Role: Application Developer
Batch: 2022 passouts
Role: Junior Data Scientist
Batch: 2021/2022 passouts
Link: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6839799046216003584/
Role: Elite Batch - Internship and Full Time
Batch: 2021/2020 passouts
Link: https://practice.geeksforgeeks.org/contest/geeksforgeeks-elite-batch-entrance-test/
Role: Software Development Internship
Batch : 2022/2023/2024
Link: https://boards.greenhouse.io/hackerrank/jobs/3223315?gh_jid=3223315
MLH Fellowship
Track: Software Engineering Track
Batch : 2022/2023/2024 eligible.
Link: https://fellowship.mlh.io/programs/software-engineering
Kotak Scholarship
Eligible: 1st Year Females
Up to 1 lakh
Link: https://kotakeducation.org/kotak-kanya-scholarship/
Globalink Research Internship
Type: Research Internship in Canada
Batch: 2023 passouts
Link: https://www.mitacs.ca/en/programs/globalink/globalink-research-internship#student-application
Role: Software Engineer Intern
Batch: 2023/2022 pass-outs
Link: https://careers.google.com/jobs/results/143703232820978374-software-engineering-intern-2022/
Role: Machine Learning Internship
Batch: 2023/2022 pass-outs
Link: https://apply.workable.com/hike/j/550E5E85BB/
Role: Software Engineer Intern
Batch: 2023/2022 pass-outs
Link: https://careers.google.com/jobs/results/112863192234762950-software-engineering-intern-summer-2022/
Role: Application Engineer Intern
Batch: 2023/2022 pass-outs
That’s all, folks!
Thank you for reading this random newsletter. Would you please share this with everyone who requires opportunities and some unsolicited advice in life? See you next week :)